voice acting
Voice Acting - Jordan Tate & Tough Mercenary
Audition / BioWare Explorers Wanted Voiceover Contest
I submitted an audition reel for BioWare's voice acting contest for 2 roles in their upcoming RPG, Mass Effect: Andromeda.
JORDAN TATE: a no-nonsense indie vidmaker who's determined to get to the bottom of what's really happening in Andromeda
TOUGH MERCENARY: a seasoned soldier-for-hire who's curt but fair and glad to live outside the confines of modern society
Voice Acting - Pearl, a Huntress
Game Prototype / V1 Interactive
I provided the voice for one of the characters in a brand new game prototype by V1 Interactive.
PEARL: a powerful and intelligent huntress with leadership skills and a snarky flair.
Voice Acting - Narrator
Charlie's Dream / Senior Thesis - So-Eun Park
I provided the voice of the narrator of So-Eun Park's interactive children's book, Charlie's Dream, and edited the script. Park made this game as part of her senior thesis in the MFA program at DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Writing, Voice Acting - Doctor 1
Miraculous / Team Irradiance
In addition to writing the script, I provided the voice for one of the characters in this poetic experience about destroying an aggressive virus.
DOCTOR 1: One of two doctors who have developped a medical substance that can bring a human back to life.
Voice Acting - Sam & Gimbal
Relic / Team Synaptic Sugar
2014 - 2015
SAM WARD - main character (the player). She is a teenaged intergalactic treasure hunter seeking both valuable relics and information about her people's origins.
GIMBAL - AI helper. She assists the player with controls and gives helpful feeback for special events and successful actions. Placeholder voice acting only.
Voice Acting Audition
Dragonfire / Indie
JASMINE - Sorceress of Glen. Female young adult. Spunky and sprite-like, very wise, reserved and humored, quippy, a reserved know-it-all.
AZELIA - Female young adult. Delicate, firm in beliefs, grateful, curious, doe-like, willing, very inquisitive.
Student Game Audition
This was my audition recording for OcuBlocks, a 3-D 300-level student video game at DigiPen Institute of Technology. The game is similar to the video game, Portal. The role for which I auditioned was Main, a helpful, playful robot companion. The project is on-going.
Thanks to the recording technician and sound editor, Justin Jacox.
Student Game Session
This is one of my recording sessions for OcuBlocks, a 3-D 300-level student video game at DigiPen Institute of Technology. The game is similar to the video game, Portal. My actual role in the game is that of Sysadmin, a slightly insane computer administrator. The project is on-going.
Thanks to the recording technician and sound editor, Justin Jacox.
Voice Acting - SysAdmin & Main
OcuBlocks / Team Odyssey
MAIN - helpful, playful robot companion.
SYSADMIN - computer administrator whose mental health is rapidly deteriorating.