Selected for Amplifying New Voices Program at GDC 2017
I'm shocked and excited to announce that I am one of 36 mentees selected for the Diversity in Games Alliance's Amplifying New Voices Program at GDC 2017! Mentees are selected based on their diversity-minded contributions and their dedication to promoting inclusivity in the game industry. I will receive a travel stipend and take part in a day-long bootcamp on the Sunday before GDC that will help empower me to become a progressive leader in my field. I look forward to learning more about how to advocate and educate!

I initially did not believe I qualified for this program, as I do not have the requisite 3+ years of game industry experience. Even so, because I'm passionate about diverse representation in games and I had nothing to lose, I went ahead and applied, fully expecting rejection.
I think it's important to mention this because there are opportunities all around us, and all too often, we talk ourselves out of even applying - "I don't have X or Y qualification" or "My friend looked at the posting and said I shouldn't bother" and so on. But the fact of the matter is, unless a posting explicitly states that reviewers won't look at applicants unless they have XYZ, you should go for it. At the end of the day, the worst they can say is no, and you have everything to gain if they happen to say yes.
Copyright Alexandra Lucas 2017