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Original Song: Fermented Water

Here is another song that I wrote on my journey to write 5 songs before GDC 2017. I'm not counting it as one of the five, however, because I do not yet have a melody for it. I wrote this song after a conversation with a long-lost friend that made me think about the things you miss when you wait in the shadows.



I'll just keep drinking.

Stills of sorrow are fun to watch with fermented water

Slicks my mind so it’s easier to swallow

Without much effort, days bleed together

So the weather’s just an afterthought, really

I didn’t realize that years are gone when they’re gone

I guess I’ll just keep blinking

Heaven forbid I change my behavior

I guess I’ll just keep drinking

I am but an observeress

I can taste life but I’m not quite there yet

For now I’ll just drink fermented water

And hope something comes along that doesn’t taste bitter

Late at night, when you sleep like the dead,

I trace the map of your mistakes across your scars

You told me I illuminate your life

And you want to be close to my light

That’s nice - it really is -

But my light’s neon, and not the good kind

Silent from a distance - pretty - but up close

You’ll hear that it’s pretty tinny

I am but an observeress

I can feel life but I’m not quite there yet

For now I’ll just bathe in fermented water

And hope something comes along that doesn’t cut so deep

2016 Copyright Alexandra Lucas

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