Speaker at PAX Dev 2018: How Disney Emoji Blitz Helped Me Combat Anxiety
Exciting news to share on the professional front: The talk that Boyan Radakovich and I proposed for PAX Dev 2018 got accepted! What: How...
GDC 2018 Talk Recordings Now on the Vault!
The GDC 2018 organizers have officially posted recordings of the three talks in which I took part this year! Advocacy Microtalks: 20...
GDC Game Narrative Summit Talk Featured in Rolling Stone/Glixel
Many thanks to Rolling Stone and Glixel for covering my Game Developers Conference Game Narrative Summit talk on elevating existing...
Speaker at GDC 2018: Two Additional Presentations
In addition to delivering a solo talk at the GDC Game Narrative Summit this year (Beyond the Blue-Skinned Space Babe), I will also be...
Speaker at GDC 2018: Beyond the Blue-Skinned Space Babe
I'm thrilled to share that I will be speaking at GDC 2018 as part of the Game Narrative Summit! I was honored to speak as part of the...
Speaker at PAX Dev 2017: Blue-Skinned Space Babes & the Triple Goddess in Mass Effect
Well, looks like this fall is going to be packed with speaking engagements - and I couldn't be more excited and grateful! I've just...
Speaker at NEPCA Conference 2017: Greed & Goomahs: Toxic Masculinity in TV's New Golden Age
Excited to announce that I'll be speaking at the 2017 Northeast Popular & American Culture Association Conference in late October! My...
Speaker at GeekGirlCon 2017: Lilith’s Legacy: Bringing Sexuality & Gender Identity from SF Liter
Thrilled to announce that Sonia Michaels & I will be speaking at GeekGirlCon this year! Our talk will focus on lessons that game...
Speaker at Women & Work Empowerment Forum, WorkSource Redmond
Many thanks to the folks at State of Washington Worksource Redmond for inviting me to talk about self care, setting goals, and personal...
Podcast: New Host Announcement & Cheat Codes #130: Toot Bait
Weeeell, secret's out! Lucky and excited to share that I've joined the Cheat Codes Podcast as their new host! Last night, we unwrapped...