Selected as 2023 IGDA Next Gen Leader Virtual Exchange Grantee
Alexandra is a 2023 IGDA Next Gen Leader Virtual Exchange grantee.

Blog: Reflections on Mentorship & Performance Art, Through Tasseography
Ripples evade us Traveling beyond our eye Touching shores unknown *** In this photo is my Turkish coffee from our latest visit to my...

Narrative Design: ArenaNet Mentorship Program Original Episode Outline
I designed this original, speculative Guild Wars 2 narrative outline as part of the ArenaNet Game Narrative Mentorship Program. All...

Speaker at AAUW-WA STEM Scholars Awards Ceremony 2017
This past Monday, I was honored to speak at the AAUW Washington's STEM Scholars awards ceremony last night! The AAUW-WA honors...

Selected for Amplifying New Voices Program at GDC 2017
I'm shocked and excited to announce that I am one of 36 mentees selected for the Diversity in Games Alliance's Amplifying New Voices...

Seattle Times Interview
In August 2015, I was featured in the Seattle Times alongside Zoe Quinn, Kate Edwards, Aviva Schecterson, and other talented women to...