Short Story "Tannenbaum" Selected as Fairhaven Winterfest "Tales of the Season"
Exciting news: my short story about getting lost on a Christmas tree farm was selected as a winner of Fairhaven Winterfest's first annual...
Panelist at PAX Dev 2019: Represent & Retain: Cultivating Inclusive Studio Culture
I'm thrilled to be taking part in PAX Dev for the fourth year in a row, this time alongside some exceedingly talented folks who are also...
Chapter Publication: Toxic Masculinity in TV's New Golden Age in Pop Culture Matters
Chapter publication alert! Excited to share that I wrote a chapter for a book that was published this month — Pop Culture Matters:...
Speaker at GDC 2019: Have Laptop, Will Telecommute: Working Globally in Games
Excited to share that I’ll be speaking at GDC 2019 alongside Heidi McDonald, Toiya K. Finley, Michelle Clough, and Patrick Coursey! Our...
Speaker at PAX Dev 2018: How Disney Emoji Blitz Helped Me Combat Anxiety
Exciting news to share on the professional front: The talk that Boyan Radakovich and I proposed for PAX Dev 2018 got accepted! What: How...
GDC 2018 Talk Recordings Now on the Vault!
The GDC 2018 organizers have officially posted recordings of the three talks in which I took part this year! Advocacy Microtalks: 20...
GDC Game Narrative Summit Talk Featured in Rolling Stone/Glixel
Many thanks to Rolling Stone and Glixel for covering my Game Developers Conference Game Narrative Summit talk on elevating existing...
Speaker at GDC 2018: Two Additional Presentations
In addition to delivering a solo talk at the GDC Game Narrative Summit this year (Beyond the Blue-Skinned Space Babe), I will also be...
Speaker at GDC 2018: Beyond the Blue-Skinned Space Babe
I'm thrilled to share that I will be speaking at GDC 2018 as part of the Game Narrative Summit! I was honored to speak as part of the...
Chapter Publication: Analysis of Asari Sexuality/Digital Love: Romance & Sexuality in Games
I'm excited to announce the publication of my chapter for the book Digital Love: Romance & Sexuality in Video Games (Taylor & Francis,...